Wednesday 28 May 2014

Stop And Smell The Lilacs

     Spring has truly sprung here in Paris. ( Cue Ella Fitzgerald singing  " I Love Paris In The Springtime" ) As I write this post, I'm sitting at my ageing picnic table In my my woefully small backyard enjoying the birds singing and the morning sunshine. Thank the Is (a concept and expression I freely admit to stealing from my dear friend Otherkin) for the wonders of WiFi and the portability of a laptop.

My office this morning.

     I was up early this morning and, after the requisite two cups of coffee, went off on a little expedition in an effort to photograph foxes. There is a den dug into  a small gravel ridge a short hike from my home. About two weeks ago I managed to photograph a fox pup sitting at the entrance to the den. I was, at that time, on a jaunt to the local grocery store to acquire the necessities of life and the only camera that I had with me was my compact Canon G12 which has a zoom range woefully inadequate for wildlife photography. The resulting image, taken on a small sensor camera, has been heavily cropped in post, resulting in a shot where the sharpness and resolution is far from ideal.

      I've gone back to the den a few times since with a better camera fitted with a longer zoom lens. But, As luck would have it, I came home empty handed in the fox photo department. 
                                                                                                                                                            However that isn't to say that this morning wasn't enjoyable. Along the trail to the den site the lilacs are in full bloom. For about a one hundred yard stretch of the trail, the scent is almost intoxicating and the colours in the morning light were beautiful. I occurs to me that, as we bustle about in our daily lives, we should take a bit more time to enjoy the gifts that each season has to offer. In this case, a lilac scented morning.

And, for the record, I did manage to get a picture of a fox!

 ...more later