Thursday 12 June 2014

The Fox Den

     If you are a regular reader of this blog and read my last post. ( Hmm... last post. Sounds so final. How about previous post?  After all, my tag line at the end of these little blurbs is always ...more later.) you will know of my passion for outdoor photography. Of late I have been trying to photograph foxes at a den near my home. 

     In my previous post, ( Previous post... much better) I outlined how I had seen a fox at this den some time ago. ( May 6 to be exact. I just checked.) Since that time, despite several visits to the den site. I had seen nothing in the way of live foxes. I was beginning to think that the den had been abandoned.

     Last night, I went out for an evening walk and decided to check out the den site. I wasn't expecting to see anything in the way of a pointy snout and red bushy fur. Imagine my surprise when I found this fellow lounging at the entrance to the den.

     I managed to get a few shots before he retreated into the den. I decided to sit down and wait. After all, with all my visits to the den site, this time, I at least knew he was there. I didn't have to wait long for his reappearance.

     And, I was even more delighted when a second one appeared!

          They seemed to accept my presence quite calmly. By the end of my time with them, I felt less like I was shooting wildlife and more like a portrait photographer.

Family Portrait

      I was going to end this post with a sage homily like "Persistence pays off."  Or perhaps a discourse on the virtue of patience. But the reality is that I just want to share some pictures that I was lucky enough to take and an experience I enjoyed. I think that my friends, both human and vulpine understand.

                                            ...more later


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