Saturday 10 November 2012

Update 2, Of Deer and Sunsets

     Back in July of this year I wrote a post concerning a failed attempt to photograph deer and my subsequent return home with a nice sunset photograph. Sunsets, while beautiful, are somewhat ubiquitous, so much so that there is a specialised app on many digital cameras specifically for shooting them. When I worked in the camera shop there were so many sunset photographs that were printed in our little photo lab, that all of us working there became a little too inured to them. Unless your sunset photograph is ridiculously awesome, it will probably have little influence on anyone who has worked in the photographic industry. To that extent, in my earlier incarnation as a would be photographer, I would rarely bother to photograph them. I was looking for greater challenges (and to some degree still am.)

    Maybe it is just the saccharine sentimentality that comes with advancing age or the humility that is an inherent in both aging and major attitudinal change, but I now find that I love sunsets and sunrises. Yes, they are ubiquitous, but can be spectacular displays nonetheless. Strangely enough, I often get more appreciative comments from the posting of a sunset photograph than I do from displaying a picture that requires a great deal more photographic proficiency. Perhaps it is that commonplace nature of the sunset that is it's very strength. The uninitiated might not relate to the technical prowess required to create a good image of something like a full moon or a well balanced night scene, but everyone can relate to the visual beauty of a sunset. Therefore I have no qualms about taking and posting any sunset pictures. If people like 'em, so much the better.

     By the way, since this is an update about photographing deer as well as sunsets,  I did manage to get a nice shot of a doe and some fawns at a later date.



        Oh, and the sunset on the way home was pretty nice too.


                                                  ...more later

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